Today I got a new Robocop based t-shirt and I blogged about it on I Wear Cotton:
Yup, it’s unboxing time! Today I received a t-shirt I’ve been looking forward to getting for quite some time – Robocop: Directive 3 Baby Food, from Dark Bunny Tees. I ordered this way back at the end of November last year, as a pre-order, with the expectation that it would be printed some time in January – February. Why did I pre-order? Because I have a bit of a thing for ED-209, because I really liked the idea behind the design, and because Alex Chenery seems like a really rather interesting chap.
Tonight’s lovely meal with Becca was Bacon and Courgette Tagliatelle, which I wrote up the recipe for on Neil’s Noms:
This is one of my favourite simple meals that I love to cook for myself and Becca.
It takes about 15 minutes to cook and tastes fantastic. Serves 2.
Things I did this weekend, by Neil Crosby (aged 28 and a third): » Continue Reading…
Today, I found out how to deep link into YouTube videos over on The Code Train.
Just a very quick post today to highlight something I only became aware of a couple of days ago because of Jake Archibald, when he posted a youtube link on an internal mailing list – it’s possible to deep link into an arbitrary point within YouTube videos.
I had thought that this was something most other interested people would have known about already, and that I was slow on the uptake as usual, but it turns out that when I mentioned this to Adriano Castro today he wasn’t aware. So, I present to you a method for deep linking into YouTube videos.
I weighed myself for the first time this year this morning. It’s been 40 days since the last time, including Christmas and New Year, and unsurprisingly I’d put on weight. Quite a bit of weight. Seven pounds.
Now, that’s a lot. I’m going to make no excuses. But it’s still a whole stone less than I weighed this time last year. Which, frankly is great.
The plan is to start doing a bit of the old Wii Fit again to start with and then get the bike out when it gets a bit warmer again. Just like last year I’m wanting to be losing weight again over the next year and get me somewhat closer once again to a healthy body.
I’m planning on keeping this up to date as the year goes on, so have a shout at me if I don’t.
Current weight: 18st6.