So, people came to see Becca for her birthday today, so I’ve had no time at all to create any content. What have I done then?

  • Made chocolate orange cupcakes. The icing was a half batch, with the zest of two oranges added to it. I’ll write up the recipe properly over the next couple of days.

  • Bought a proper icing bag and nozzles set. The very first time I used it I split the larger of the two icing bags that came with it. Bugger.

  • Watched far too many things containing people called Edward.

    • Twilight: New Moon (ugh).
    • The Wicker Man (The Nic Cage one. Silly, amusing, enjoyable).
    • A whole load of Jedward videos. Nuff said.
  • Oh, and we watched Giant Shark vs Mega Octopus as well. That was fun.

Becca’s Birthday Gathering

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