Tonight I made 48 mini-cupcakes and a chocolate cake

This is all it took to make the cupcakes. This four egg mixture made 48 teeny tiny cupcakes, which I’ve baked and glazed with vanilla sugar syrup tonight. Tomorrow will be the icing stage, and another 48 cupcakes; this time in chocolate orange flavour.

I also made the first half of Becca’s birthday cake; a chocolatey affair, also made with four eggs. I’ll be baking another one of those tomorrow evening before turning it into a four layer cake with ridiculous amounts of butter icing sandwiched between each layer. As I write this upstairs in bed I can still smell the fantastically chocolately aroma. It’s both amazing and annoying.

None of this is for general consumption though – this is all for Becca’s birthday gathering on saturday.

In other news, I’m really enjoying having the Kenwood Chef.

Tonight I made 48 mini-cupcakes and a chocolate cake

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