Fat Ass Saddle for a Big Fat Ass

Earlier this week I finally got round to buying a new saddle for my bike. This would be the bike that I bought about nine months ago, and have ridden probably as many times.

One of my many excuses for not having ridden it was that I didn’t particularly enjoy the sharp little saddle that came with it riding up into my arse. So, last week whilst it was pretty damn cold and there was no way in hell I’d be going out on my bike anyway I decided that enough was enough, and decided to buy a sofa to replace it with.

It arrived today, and yup – it’s a sofa. As you can see, it’s more than twice the size of the original saddle. It also comes with its own suspension, and I’m hoping it’ll make my ride a little bit more comfortable whilst I get back into the swing of riding after seven years away.

The stupid thing is, I used to love riding. Here’s hoping I end up loving it again.

Fat Ass Saddle for a Big Fat Ass

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